How to Make French Press Coffee in 5 Easy Steps

Today you’re going to learn how to make French press coffee at home. Brewing coffee at home is a great way to save money. It’s actually the first thing I would tell you to do if you were looking to cut costs in the kitchen. Most importantly, you can get the taste of coffee at your own preferred level.

French Press Coffee is very easy to make, and it arguably makes a better coffee. There is just a little more labor and time involved. So, let’s get start:

Easy Steps to Make French Press Coffee at Home

Making coffee in a french press is surprisingly easy. See below for the five steps that outline how to make French press coffee at home.

How to Make French Press Coffee

Step 1: Grind the beansIrish Coffee with Coconut Whipped Cream Grinding Beans and how to make french press coffee

For this step you’ll need a coffee or grain grinder to roughly grind the beans. Buying pre-ground coffee could work, but the pre-ground stuff is usually finer than what you need. In other words, it’s too ground up.

You can measure the amount of coffee beans you need by using about 1 tablespoon of beans for every 1 cup of water. If you want stronger or weaker coffee, adjust the ratio up or down from there. Coffee snobs will tell you there is an exact science to brewing the perfect cup of joe, but the whole point of doing things at home is so that you can make it how you want it. So make it how you want it.

Step 2: Heat the water

How to Make French Press Coffee Heating Water

I went for the tea kettle + stove top route. There are many ways to heat water though…

The key is to get the water to about 195 degrees Fahrenheit, and it’s actually not as hard as it sounds to do. Boiling water is 212 degrees, so the trick is to boil some water and wait about a minute before using it so that it cools ever so slightly.

Step 3: Combine the beans and water in your French press

In this next step, it’s time to add the ground coffee beans to the bottom of the French press maker. Then, slowly pour your hot water into the French press. Again, it should be roughly 1 tablespoon of coffee beans to 1 cup of water (or however you want to mix it up).

Irish Coffee with Coconut Whipped Cream French Press and how to make french press coffee

Once everything is added, stir it together for a bit (more than 5 seconds, less than a minute) to get everything incorporated.

How to Make French Press Coffee Stirring

Promptly cover your French press after you are done stirring.

Step 4: Wait for around 5 minutes

Now it’s time to wait for about 4-5 minutes as the coffee beans steep in the water. At this time I suggest you finish making your eggs or pancakes, get out the crossword, or prep whatever you’ll be eating/doing this morning.

Step 5: Press and serve

Finally, after waiting, press down on your French press and push all the ground beans to the bottom of the French press. You are left with delicious French pressed coffee above your filter that you can serve, drink and enjoy!

How to Make French Press Coffee Pressing


With this French Press recipe, you can now drink coffee at home for one year for about the same price of buying coffee from a coffee shop for one week. Now you know how to make French press coffee at home in 5 easy steps! You can also check one of the best French Press below:

List of the Best French Press Makers in 2025

SaleBest Choice #. 5
Bodum 34 oz Brazil French Press Coffee Maker, High-Heat Borosilicate Glass, Black - Made in Portugal
Bodum 34 oz Brazil French Press Coffee Maker, High-Heat Borosilicate Glass, Black - Made in Portugal
Iconic French press coffee maker that brings out the full flavor and aroma of your brew.; The body, handle and domed lid are made from lightweight, BPA-free plastic.
Amazon Prime
SaleBest Choice #. 6
Best Choice #. 10
Bodum 12oz Brazil French Press Coffee Maker, High-Heat Borosilicate Glass, Black - Made in Portugal
Bodum 12oz Brazil French Press Coffee Maker, High-Heat Borosilicate Glass, Black - Made in Portugal
Add Coarsely Grounded Coffee. Add Hot Water. Wait 4 Minutes. Plunge.; : No paper filters or plastic capsules required.
Amazon Prime

Want to take your coffee to the next level? Check out this Irish Coffee with Coconut Whipped Cream recipe.

Here are some other cool coffee recipe ideas in case you’re interested:

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